
A Rainbow of Pastels

Beautiful Brazilian apartment designed by Studio Guilherme Torres using a rainbow color palette of pastels for a fresh and contemporary design:

The base for the decoration was the fusion of polymer cement, minty and blue colors and the use of a whole wall covered in pinus, a wood that has virtually no commercial value in Brazil. Another high point of the project was to expose the structural column right in the entrance door, composing a beautiful set with the dinner table. An important point is: all the main pieces such as tables, sideboards and sofa are designed by the architect.

Minimal Masculine Design

The beautiful Schöneberg, Berlin apartment of photographer Magnus Reed. This apartment has a very cool vibe, a simple, reduced, masculine atmosphere. Very charming with stunning parquet floors and rustic walls.

via www.freundevonfreunden.com/interviews/magnus-reed

Vintage Chic Kitchen

I love the atmosphere in this kitchen, so vintage chic! Loving the vintage fridge and the copper light shades!

vintage style kitchen

Emily Chalmers

The home of London stylist Emily Chalmers. This home has a real eclectic bohemian feel to it with loads of different colors, patterns and textiles.

via www.marieclairemaison.com

The White Couch

Spacious and white. This is “The Couch” to have. So beautiful.

via http://www.cotemaison.fr/